Clayborn Temple was founded in 1892 by a white congregation called Second Presbyterian. An African-American congregation purchased the church and renamed it Clayborn Temple in 1949.
The upkeep of the magnificent building became difficult to maintain as Clayborn's congregation grew fewer and smaller in the late 90s. However, the temple was later reopened in 2018 and in 2019 for reopencommunity gatherings.

In 1888, the congregation of the Second Presbyterian Church decided to purchase a lot for the constriction of a new building. Construction because in February of 1891 and the foundation of the church was laid in May that same year. In January of 1893, the church has its dedication service and all of the presbyterian pastors of the city joined for service.
The congregation later move to East Memphis and sold the building to the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1949. Throughout the 60s, the Clayborn Tmple became a pivotal staging ground for the civil rights movement and social justice.